The arctic, one of the most desolate and inhospitable places on earth… it’s also one of unique beauty, and I wanted to really leave the viewer with the feeling that they are there in person, taking in everything from the iconic glaciers to the hardy wildlife that calls the artic circle home.
This was designed with nature programmes in mind, something which, like many people, I grew up watching, and which shaped my stylised view of the world.
Combining pads, bowed instruments, and noise, I wanted to create something which moved through the different transitions, giving the viewer a real sense of the freezing bitter Artic cold that bites through to your bones. With this in mind, I used lots of high filtered, almost glass like sounds, which are lovely, but almost grate a little.
I wanted to capture the magic of watching the huge icebergs melting, and you’ll notice the time-warped high pitched bells as the drips fall from the glacier.
And then, when it came to the animals, I wanted to really use instrumentation which captured their size and characteristics, with deep lumbering bass for the bear, and gentle but lithe sounding piano for the Seal.
Arctic Sound Design Video Sampler
This is a great example of how sound design can really bring a film-reel to life and capture the essence of what the viewer is seeing.
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